Monday, June 9, 2008

The Loss of My Beloved Wisdom Teeth

So it's an interesting first post for a blog, but what else did I really have to do today, right?

What I learned today is that my dad truly loves me and is there when I need him.
I am so grateful for that.
I am so glad that he is a member for the church and the blessing it is to me in my life.
Sometimes it's still so surreal to me.

I also learned that I'm ridiculous.
I worry so much for nothing.
I was physically sick last night worrying about this whole Wisdom Teeth Business, and it is FINE.
I mean I was in pain a little bit
I can't eat real food
and I don't exactly feel like myself
but is has truly not been bad at ALL.
I need to remember events like this so that I won't worry so much the next time....
it will probably never happen..

I'm a worry wart.
But I am blessed.


Lane said...

I'm glad you're not throwing up AND not eating...

Caught in the Web said...

Oh Heather. I am glad that you are not dying. And I am so glad that you are doing OK. We are both worry warts, I don't understand why. Sigh. We will both end up with ulcers. Ug.